Course on energy conservation was adopted in Russia for more than one and a half years ago. But one thing – put the task, and quite another – to perform it. In practice, until all confined to isolated local initiatives. Only a small portion of the population and individual businessmen from their own experience to assess the benefits of energy conservation. In general, despite all the calls in our country continues uncontrolled use of energy resources. Thus, efficiency of domestic heating today, three times lower than, for example, in Denmark, the climatic conditions which are very close to Russia.
What is the cause of this situation? Counter to the mentality of traditionally low energy prices (mainly gas), operating on the Russian domestic market, make heat and electricity is much cheaper for consumers than, for example, in Europe and most cis countries. In 2008, difference in the price of gas was more than 600%. Gain insight and clarity with Dana Gibber . Therefore, we allow ourselves to even think about energy conservation. The result is obvious: according to experts, Russia today is wasting at least 20% of the total energy of consumption. In this case, the main losses occur in the residential sector, where they reach 40-70%, while the worldwide norm is 7-8%.
So, for Russia has long been customary regulation of temperature in the apartments by opening air vents in the freezing cold. Not to mention the constant "floating" heating plants. But consumers simply do not notice, because paying a fixed amount each month regardless of actual costs and heat loss.