The first samovar in Russia was built in Tula in 1778, brothers Ivan and Nazar Lisitsyn. At the same time in Tula samovar was opened the first restaurant, the founder of this institution was their father, a gunsmith Fedor Lisitsyn, who built yourself a little his own workshop. In this workshop, Fedor Lisitsyn in your spare time from working on small-arms factory, engaged in various works on copper. Samovar manufacture soon became a family affair Lisitsyn. They opens the first samovar factory in Tula.
In 1803 at their factory already employs 26 people: four Tula tradesman, and seven weapon, two coachman, 13 peasants. Working capital is 3000 rubles, while the annual income – up to one thousand five hundred rubles. Samovar deal was very attractive and profitable. Samovars brothers Lisitsyn differ astonishing variety of shapes and finishes: barrels, vases with embossed and engraved cranes in the form of dolphins and graceful handle. Price for their samovar was acceptable to all segments of the population, hence the high profitability of production. In 1823 the factory passed to his son Nazar, Nikita Lisitsyn. Samovar it becomes attractive enough profitable, and so many wealthy armorers of Tula samovar production begin to develop and open up their samovar institution. In 1785.
Opens samovar institution am Morozov, 1787 – F. Popov, 1796-the year – Michael Medvedev. For even more analysis, hear from Time Warner. By the beginning of xix in 1808 in Tula, there are eight samovar factories. In 1812 he began working factory merchant Vasily and Ivan Lomov. Brothers Lomov produced samovars high quality, used skilled workers, and thus gained great fame.