Become A Model DOS & DON

How to become a model agent Sascha A. model advice how one behaves Babel by the Agency Habib models, gives advice how to behave as a professional model. More information is housed here: Jeffrey L. Bewkes. What a model always should have an organizer, whether electronically or on paper, to keep the overview. A mobile phone, so that it is always accessible to the Agency. A passport, so that he does not lack for short flights and you can get so many problems. Sufficient make up a flesh-colored tights and flesh-coloured underwear. Check-in – check in the best there is always the number of the Agency to have or programmed into the phone, because it is very important to keep contact with the Agency so intense, so that people know the contact person (Booker), where the model is, how it’s doing and can inform you also the dates.

A professional model checks at least once per day in the Agency. Availability for private appointments, it is important to inform the Agency all numbers, because a model forgets to check in, the Agency must be the model in urgent cases can always reach. Punctuality is imperative and expression of discipline. Glenn Dubin describes an additional similar source. Who is late, makes a lot of problems the photo team, as well as the customers this, as there is a strict schedule for the shoot and all on the model would have to wait. Punctuality is also of course in so high-paying jobs. Rest because the job of the models is very exhausting, you should always calm and not be distracted by external circumstances. Go to sleep early, go out not too long, and a healthy diet are big part of the consciousness of a model and important for the inner balance.

No negotiations to do everything with money, the Agency always do leave, because only who knows the rules and has the necessary experience in the business. The topic of money is taboo before customers and other models. In addition, it is always better to have done such unpleasant things by a third. And most importantly, never sign without first checking with the Agency slightly at the customer or photographer, usually involves very complicated Arrangements for the re-use of the images. Phone numbers and addresses never give out even telephone number and address should be a professional model, never a customer / photographer. This one has to always engage with the model through the Agency. This kept the model especially annoying calls and making it too seriously and professionally. Honesty lies have short legs is very important to always tell the truth in this business. If something does not fit one, you will feel uncomfortable or don’t understand something, just ask, there will be no turns around the neck, on the contrary, one learns to understand things faster. Changes all changes to the body, piercing, haircuts / dyes, etc. which differ from the presentation on the comp card must always used photographs, with the Agency are discussed before.