Looking for a fairly complex system of Japanese curtains, many a question – is it possible to make a Japanese curtains with his hands? You can, after all is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing – to know some of the nuances and details of their manufacture. Of course, you can order blinds in the studio, but if you have some free time, and thus you are interested in sewing, you should not refuse the pleasure to practice self- Japanese manufacturing curtains – it's very entertaining. Japanese curtains or as they are in another call, the Japanese panel, are made as of the dense and thin translucent materials. About the figure we can say following: due to limited width of the surface image in any case should not be very wide. The rest – a matter of taste. So, you can use fabrics with patterns in the Oriental style: Arabic characters, kanji, traditional Ornaments, Chinese dragons, etc.
This is the traditional approach. With respect, the latest fashion trends, it is, above all, abstract paintings, as well as black and white checkerboard style. Next, we finally get down to practical part of the question – "How to sew curtains Japanese?". Nuances to keep in mind: – The Japanese paintings panels shall not exceed sixty inches in width. This length is the standard, due to the fact that, as a rule, used rails, designed by her – on the top edge of the curtains should not be assembly – Do not use different decorations, accessories and pickup. Now directly on the processing of fabrics. Need to carve out straight strips of fabric width of 60 inches, as well as allowances for podgibku and shrinkage.
After that, begin to treat the side seams and lower future curtains. Since the low process kuliskoy, allowances it does not zastrachivat recommended. After all this it follows otutyuzhivaem osnorovyvaem and the upper edge of the canvas. Recommendation: The most likely to fully close the window, you'll need a few panels. Therefore osnorovku should be carried out immediately several paintings (but not more than four). Calculation of the length of the panel about osnorovki – herself blind in finished form, plus leave a little under a Velcro (Velcro) 1-2 cm. When you buy machinery for the Japanese panel, pay attention to the upper part, which is attached directly onto the ledge. This part is a bar with the correct (hard) part of the Velcro. That is why in the manufacture of Japanese curtains and should be used initially Velcro. All finished panel after sewing on Velcro should end once otutyuzhit, as the Japanese curtains straight lines side seams play a crucial role. After the final scenes of paddles in the bottom panels Threading weighting, the top edge of the curtain is attached to a special holder (the soft part is mounted on a rigid part of the Velcro). And yet – you're done! From now on, Japanese curtains, made with his own hands, will please your eye! Source: flexart-studio.ru – sewing Curtains on order