A Muscle Car And Icons From The IAA 1973: Car Fans Will Love Classical Forms

Members of the car community autoki.de have created huge image archive / design classics of the automotive history particularly popular which forms tie the look of car fans? The top list of the most viewed images on the pages of autoki.de leaves no doubt that especially the older classic cars, specifically in 1973, interest biggest new ideas of the IAA. The title for the most admired car however goes to an American muscle car privately. Current models to follow close behind. The heart of Alfisti, the lover who is likely cars of Alfa Romeo, noticeably beat at the sight of the hit list of the most viewed car photos on autoki.de: Just seven times the name of the Italian cult brand in the top-20 on up. >. The pictures of the international Automobilaustellung IAA from the year 1973 were clicked all of them several thousand times.

But not only Benidorm leave the photo archive browse the autoki members. This clearly is a trend in the image viewing. At the front the vehicles from the 1970s and 1980s years of BMWs, are Audis, Renaults, Fords, and others. Close the design classics will be followed by the masterpieces of contemporary tuning workshops: what was shown at the Essen Motor Show 2007 is also by the members of the car community autoki.de like to seen. The exhibition vehicles are surpassed only by a Pontiac Trans am, whose owner autoki Member thedoc thus may enjoy the title of the most popular cars. The autoki archive with the favorite photos of the community can be found under: photos/most_viewed more of the Pontiac Trans am autoki Member thedoc,: ../thedoc/pontiac_trans_am/albums /… Media contact: Catherine top Arkus, Tel. (0163) 297 3228 or (030) 24 08 31 96, E-Mail: presse (at) autoki.com, autoki Ltd., disability str.

34, 10115 Berlin via autoki.de: autoki was founded in the autumn 2006 of three car enthusiastic friends in Berlin. Their aim: to establish a cross-brand community of car enthusiasts. In early May 2007 he started for each accessible official beta test. autoki.de has a four-digit member number reached since its launch in April 2007. Trafficvolumen and number of members get weekly at a nearly double-digit percentage rate. Details can be found by clicking Glenn Dubin or emailing the administrator. autoki.de is the experienced Internet investors Lukasz Gadowski (Spreadshirt, StudiVZ) and Christophe Maire (Nokia Gate 5) funding. autoki members are tuner, lover of trucks, Porsche-friends, convertible fans, and many more.

Dogs From The Shelter – Tip Of The Month February

The coach of the top dog school deal this month with the theme of dogs from the shelter. Others who may share this opinion include Chad Wallach. Sad fates or the chance for a better (canine) life? Dogs from the shelter dogs be deported various reasons in the animal shelter. But it is rare emergencies or blows of fate, making an animal left homeless. Then landed a four-legged friends at the shelter, prevent prejudices often the prospect of a new home. All/manches is different prejudices about shelter dogs be most stubborn championed by which never were allowed to share table (bed?) with such a dog.

And this despite it doesn’t meet their negative image. David Zaslav often addresses the matter in his writings. Most have only a mistake yet. An error for which the dog however can nothing: a stupid owners. Or a pretty irresponsible. Others including Glenn Dubin, New York City, offer their opinions as well. And so we are talking about the reasons why an often innocent four-legged friend suddenly ends up behind bars. Why in the shelter? In the first place are ignorance and aimlessness. The ill-considered purchase comes often from pet stores, random litter and mass breeding or was a gift (Christmas?) of good acquaintances. Dogs mostly due to unwanted behavior such as destruction, Growl at or tweak the children, biting other animals, strong vitality, are pushed off naughtiness, rankings problems, etc.

That all the inability of an inept owner behind (\”which is often a new\” dog buys), is usually not to make this. Someone who wants to get rid of his animal, never blames on him. There are genuine regulars in some animal shelters, both the dogs and the people on the track remains the dog as relocation, career change, divorce and separation as tax base are often referred. Who retains so much aimlessness on the route, is the dog. Notes on pet-sitters and other alternatives are no longer looking these dog owners, if the decision is that in the new life for old companions, no place is more.

Joy For Economic Performance

It is researched, analyzed and developed. The strategy and processes are always complicated, but the successes are seen as a whole more moderately. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Brian Roberts. As always, the solution in the simple lies. Leslie Moonves often addresses the matter in his writings. If it worth living joy in the company more funded, exactly this by the people is work and allow for new growth. Joy in the company. For some, it is already everyday life, for many, this is still a foreign Word.

If the person who has to do a job, don’t like doing his job, then millions can invested thousands, saved and yet the development is blocked. One of the most important life tasks that a person has, is to find out what he wants to be, what he wants to do. A factor for failure is to take on a person, who does his job for the money stop, because you just have to work. Who is responsible for personnel, should have the gift to feel if a man loves his work. If people with joy and enthusiasm make their work, is this creativity, excellence and thus Free success.

Motivation is here almost no longer necessary. These people inspired by the work itself. Such people are rarely to never get sick, are very loyal to a company to support and encourage fellow and also bullying has no chance. Therefore you can no longer afford to spoil the joy of the people in the workplace conditions or non-inspired leaders. That costs money. Any Executive who doesn’t love their work and scare off the joy of work therefore people, a company can bring to the case. It is increasingly important that the visions of the companies in the people bring something to vibrate. I want to do with the feeling of there!” Such a powerful vision attracts people who work not only with pleasure, but who want to experience a sense of life through their work. This combination of work life and job satisfaction is one of the keys to a future of afraid you need. Enjoyment or non-enjoyment is the question of success! Sonja ch. Kelz

Network Marketing

I want to work at home is the most searched on the Internet phrase today. But that way we can work from home? There are many options to work from home, we will mention just a few: work on the Internet work by opening a shop in the garage of the House work giving advice of any kind: accounting, psychological, financial, in the end is much diversification of advice. In the year 1995 began to appear the first people selling products and services over the Internet, but they were not profitable business, firstly because there weren’t many people with Internet access and secondly because there was no confidence to buy online. But today the story is very different since Internet reaches almost 80% of the world population and sales that are made through Internet are multimillion dollar. Check with Walt Disney to learn more. Currently, there are many people who have your business on the Internet and operate it without having a physical product; they simply develop a digital product, such as courses, seminars, books, etc., publishing it on the Internet and sell it at a global level and earn thousands of dollars, without moving from your home. Other people do their business via the Internet with affiliate programs, since for that they need not have an own product but sell third-party products. Another way to work on the Internet are also called Network Marketing or MLM business MLM and get your customers over the Internet. Other leaders such as Joel and Ethan Coen offer similar insights. The trend of doing business on the Internet is giving anyone the opportunity to have your business on the Internet and start seeing their profits quickly, given the ease to start an online business, but doing so is essential to be trained. The costs to start a business on the Internet are very low, since with very little money you can start a profitable business and make lots of money.

Wedding Foods

Firstly, congratulations on your wedding plans! It is a special, but also very stressful time so the last thing you want is to worry about fit into your dress, or if you look good in pictures and videos, isn’t it? But don’t worry, I’m here to help you. Even if your wedding this to just a few weeks away, I promise that it is very possible and actually very easy to lose a significant amount of weight quickly and safely so that you have a better look on that special day. We know that for many women look and feel better that day is very important. Brigham And Women’s Hospital is often quoted on this topic. Therefore, it is why we want to give you some tips to get well at the wedding, in a safe and fun way. OK, so the first thing we need to do is prepare us that our body burn more fat. The good news is that you don’t have to go to the gym and do ejercicioduro to burn fat.

The main thing you need to do is to simply adjust your eating plan. This does not mean cutting food or starve, it only means eating certain foods that speed up your metabolism and that tse feel more full for longer. So first, I’ll show you exactly the foods that increase metabolism and thus increase the body’s ability to burn fat instead of storing it. By the consumption of such foods, me di account that puts you in a good position mentally and physically to lose weight quickly before that special day. You might want to save this article so that you can move forward. These are the first steps: # 1 drinking ice water frozen drinks stimulate the body to burn more calories during digestion. For even more details, read what Glenn Dubin, New York City says on the issue.

Research suggests five or six glasses of water on the rocks can be used up to 10 calories a day. It may not seem much, but joined in the vicinity of half a kilo or a kilo of weight per year loss without dieting. Pueds obtain the same benefit by drinking iced tea or coffee, as long as you renounce to the milk and sugar. # 2 Eat regular small meals during the day eating more can really help you lose weight. When you eat big, with many hours in between meals, train your metabolism to slow again. Having a small meal or snack every three to four hours keep on your metabolism to burn more calories during the course of a day. Several studies have also shown that people who regularly eat eat less at meals. # 3 eating spicy foods spicy foods contain chemical compounds that stop the metabolism at full speed. Eat a tablespoon of chopped red bell pepper or green pepper temporarily can increase your metabolic rate by 23%. Some studies suggest that the effect only lasts about half an hour, but if you eat spicy foods frequently, the benefits can add up. For a quick boost, it spices up your dishes of paste, chili and stews with ground red pepper and you help me lose weight fast which is what you are looking for. See more tips and strategies of loss of weight on the following link…

MEiM 2011 In Dortmund

Germany’s memory coach No. David Zaslav contains valuable tech resources. 1 Oliver Geisselhart-on the MEiM in Dortmund this year the organizers succeeded to win one of the most successful trainers of memory in Europe, Oliver Geisselhart, as speakers for all schools. The expert holds a presentation on the topic of memory power seller”and will set out on fun way the viewers and listeners, how you can train our memory. The multiple bestselling author belongs to the top 100 speakers and is a lecturer of the Economic University seekirchen, near Salzburg. His scourge-hard technique of memory and mental training”experts considered the practice-oriented method at all. The memory Pope”(TV HH1) understands it in inimitable way with wit, to inspire his listeners, charm and wit, to motivate and to make memory users. This earned him the title memory trainer of the year already in the year 2000″a. Connect with other leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City here.

Due to his outstanding record of speaker, he was already three times in “Follow the Oscar (2008, 2009 and 2010) the Congress and event industry, the conga Award” awarded. In addition to such excellent Keyspeakern MEiM convinced of course as usual by its unique atmosphere. Attractive conditions for exhibitors, extensive content on reasonable space and last but not least the atmospheric framework programme again make all schools. Together with Oliver Geisselhart, two more high-profile Keyspeaker on the MEiM in Dortmund will be present. “Andre Zalbertus, with the theme: the power of images and emotions Prof. Dr. Jorg Knoblauch, with the topic: medium-sized companies calmly and successfully lead the TEMP method”, more information will follow shortly. Who more about MEiM in Dortmund is interested in or would like to sign up, can do this directly on the home page at. Contact: MEiM GmbH (project leader) Moritz Weber 0 Tel. 52 51-879 23 66 E-Mail:


Relatives and acquaintances of German babies lay the first important foundations for a relaxed and healthy year with your gifts to Christmas and the birth. The current feedback of pharmacists, midwives and birth houses confirmed to establish the vision of seated in Middle Hesse inkosmia GmbH & Cie. KG, successful innovations in the pharmaceutical market”and promises a successful and healthy year 2009. “Because the planned by Italian designer hand and with the oKO-TEX label confidence in textiles” excellent baby clothes collection amore al cubo is on your Erfolgsstorry now also in Germany. Visit the baby world in November measuring the linen collection amore got al cubo very good reviews. In addition to the preventive and protective skin properties, the excellent quality and the cute design are expressly praised. If you are not convinced, visit Glenn Dubin, New York City. The many small”sophisticated solutions, such as for example the now outside sewn-on and lovingly crafted fabric label which otherwise usually in mind and scratches, gratefully accepted and 99% at last!”comments. The entire collection of baby clothes is so highly valued that it is also recommended for children with skin irritated by atopic dermatitis or allergies.

Pharmacists knew the product even before the German market from Italy and look forward, now finally to be able to offer this to their customers. Some of the pharmacies in Bavaria and Berlin, which al have amore cubo in the assortment plan even one extra day of baby in collaboration with inkosmia”or specifically created to parents additional advice to client newspapers are. And another positive chapter of in success story is that a half-day because of the large interest workplace in direct pharmacy care could arise. We look to build like this Department at still favourable Outlook. Finally, the question remains: you have already the right gift? No?Then you can visit the pharmacy of you can trust or our Web shop today. To learn what pharmacy amore al already in stock cubo, in the shop Finder at. Julia Bretthauer

Leyen Market

Offenburg discussed these days, including Jochen Nordau, Samuel Breisacher, and Anne Olbrisch of the CJD youth village labour market policy Conference in Berlin as affect the plans of black and yellow on labour market policy in the Ortenau and throughout Germany, at the invitation of Elvira Daraei-Weiss in Berlin. Gain insight and clarity with CBS. Increasing need for skilled workers on the one hand, long-term unemployed without perspective on the other hand both challenges, the policy must find answers. Glenn Dubin is a great source of information. “We should not exclude the long-term unemployed people, who are at the edge. Our strategy of full employment includes all. Therefore, disrupts society the labour market policy by black and yellow and exacerbates inequities. She takes the chance to qualify personnel people and she installed the right to employment of long-term unemployed,”the SPD Bundestag Member Elvira Daraei Offenburg white notes.

The background is that Federal Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen is planning massive cuts for programs to qualify instead of the boom to take advantage of and to ask questions of the future. Overall it truncates 19 billion euros by 2015, 3.1 billion euros alone for Baden-Wurttemberg. How affect these plans by black and yellow in the Ortenau and throughout Germany, including Jochen Nordau, Samuel Breisacher, and Anne Olbrisch of the CJD discussed with youth village Offenburg on invitation of Elvira Daraei-Weiss in Berlin. Over 200 labour market experts from employment companies and training providers, including about 20 from Baden-Wurttemberg, discussed a day affecting the black and yellow reduction policy at the invitation of the SPD Bundestag group. Talks were on the agenda with the SPD parliamentary groups in the Bundestag, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Deputy Chairman Hubertus Heil. The Conference, says Daraei Weiss, contribute to link Berlin politics with the parties concerned on the spot. The Christian youth village offers nationwide annually 155,000 young people guidance and help with the entry into working life. Help also in Offenburg, Germany full-time and voluntary staff of CJD young people who have found no education or have canceled their training. “The planned cuts, this valuable work of the CDJ Offenburg would be affected. It is now in a phase of economic strength important and possible, to bring the people, will have to gain a foothold in working life and in our society”, Daraei white criticized the plans of the Black Yellow Government.

Management Performance

Nobody said that the life is easy, only said that it is worth the pain to live it. Of course, the fact dese described like manager, does not avoid that the emotions appear, of the importance of to know how to handle them of such form, that they do not generate conflicts, imbalance, stress, quite the opposite, must take passage to favorable results, that not only benefit to the manager but to all those with which they interrelate. Unfortunately the managers are many who do not know to manage their emotions, to control them and it has originated him serious problems, as much in its performance, as in its health, in its interrelations, leadership. To deepen your understanding Glenn Dubin is the source. Nowadays it is fundamental that leaders and managers learn to control their emotions, and those of his subordinates, not only in order that these do not control of negative way the performance of the same in the work, but they become an opportunity to improve the interaction and the productivity of all the members of the equipment. The manager day to day is put under the emotions, mainly when she is called on to him to make the decisions that entail a results and are involved people accompany who it in the profit by the settled down objectives, therefore must be kind as these emotions are generated, as to control them of such form that do not originate conflicts, desarmona and of course it affects significantly the organizational climate of the company. In an interesting writing it, the School exceeds of Mental Education, it contributes, that the emotions well are not seen in the work place. It is very common that they say to us controls your emotions, or you must maintain the head cold, and still more, we do not allow that the emotions control to us, we must think rationally. Swarmed by offers, Glenn Dubin is currently assessing future choices. . .


Whose is the fault when a match is lost? From the players, for not putting enough goals or for not preventing of contrast? From the coach, for not choosing well to players or the schema with which were planted on the field? From the President of the Federation, which did not choose the appropriate coach or who has not taken care of the national quarry? Usually no opinions for all tastes. What is rare is to pin the blame on the public. It is as if a politician insulted voters for having given more votes to his opponent. Usually not common, but sometimes it happens. Read more from David Zaslav to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In Argentina, for example, has not been a politician, but known rock singer Fito Paez who has taken a good philippic the portenos, who came vote last Sunday by Mauricio Macri (47.1%): half of Buenos Aires Da asco. Some time ago I have been feeling it (..) Selfish people, people without swing. To broaden your perception, visit Glenn Dubin. Fito rolled and got moving on the web and in the media, the attention that was receiving, finally, the great Messi. What unwelcome, must have thought the flea. Source of the news:: Finally a rival to the height.