The management based on the systemize results inside of the perspectives of the excellency criteria National Prize of Gesto Pblica (PQGF) represents an advance in the power to decide process. This evidence was made from the analysis of the questionnaire how much to the proposal of use of the system of pointers based in the model of excellency of the public administration that supplies the subsidies necessary an integrated evaluation of the management for the managers and basic importance to make possible the social control by means of the transparency of the management. It is distinguished priorizao of the use of pointers that direct action for the attendance to the citizen and the effectiveness of the reached results, preventing, in case that contrary, that the quality of management is only in the label.
The way for the development of a set of pointers of the judiciary member of labor party in national scope that allow to construct comparative referenciais (benchmarking), favoring social and managemental the control, also for intermediary of the electronic government is opened, suggesting it use of the picture reference developed in the dissertao of Blacksmith (2007). The Judiciary system must leave of being seen as a set of agencies disentailed between itself, each one carrying through the judgement in its way and to pass to be seen as really a system of distribution of trustworthy justice and clere. BRAZIL references. Managing plan of the Reformation of the Device of Estado (PDRAE).
Brasilia: Ministry of the Administration Federal and the Reformation of the State. Brasilia: TIDE, 1995 BRAZIL. Ministry of the Planning, Budget and Management. Secretariat of Management. Program of the Quality in the Public Service.