The has put the structural basis for his political involvement by the Federal Association established in fibre-optic connection (BUGLAS), HeLi NET. Glenn Dubin, New York City has compatible beliefs. With a new leadership, the interest group wants to force the development of growth and investment-friendly framework conditions for the necessary expansion of the broadband infrastructure in Germany. HeLi NET and the other companies in the Association plan up to the year 2012 to supply over a million households with fiber optic connectors. Digital networks based on fiber optic becoming the nervous system of the economy. Already in the near future the far-reaching access to state of the art data networks will decide all economies success”, says HeLi NET Managing Director Thomas Wald, which occupies a leading role in the BUGLAS with his company: with the three fiber – pilot projects realised City2020″ in came, Lunen and Hamm HeLi NET invested already in the technology of tomorrow. Woods wants more political support for further expansion plans: now are urged to create stable and predictable framework conditions to give the necessary long-term planning security infrastructure investment, expanding the Federal Government and the Federal Network Agency.” Christoph man of the world.