The recycling is a process that transforms the discarded garbage into a similar product to the initial or into a new product. The recycling has highly positive effect in the economic, social and ambient aspects. Its use as one of the tools of the integrated management of the solid residues promotes preservation of exhaustible raw material sources, increase of the useful life of the aterros sanitary, reduction of the costs of the final disposal of the garbage, economy of energy, generation of job and income, reduction of the expenses with the public health, ambient education, and for go there. As designers worried about the support of the planet, we create a project of reaproveitando of the lenses of eyeglasses that would be discarded in the nature. At the same time we will give a destination for what it would be garbage with degradation of long duration. Soon she is not being created substance demand extracted ambient cousin of the nature, as it is the case of the oil, non-renewable natural resources of where is manufactured resin CR-39.
The extration of the oil does not increase on account of this product. 5.1.RECICLAGEM AND Environment To recycle are one in the ways found for the man to preserve the environment, since to produce some product, she will not be necessary to remove the substance again cousin of the nature. The recycling of the aluminum can is one of the best examples of as the recycling helps in preservation of the environment. In accordance with TO RECYCLE BRAZIL (2009), the recycling of aluminum brings beneficial such as: Reduz the extration of the bauxite – for each a thousand kilos of aluminum that if it recycle, for example, approximately cares for five a thousand kilos of the rude ore; A recycling saves space in the sanitary aterros, therefore the cans do not arrive to go for the garbage; Estimula the ambient conscience of the population and the companies, who had started to have a responsible behavior in relation to the environment.