Develop Emotional Intelligence

Getting our children to develop their emotional intelligence and a healthy and balanced self-esteem should be one of the objectives of the fathers and mothers of the 21st century, since they are guarantee of success, the establishment of personal relationships, both for the achievement of any goal that is intended to achieve lifelong. To know more about this subject visit CBS. However, the generational divide that separates parents from their children is often difficult training in this type of shared prosocial skills. In this article, you will find a proposal for emotional education based on the game so that you can enjoy yourself with your children while you teach them skills of intelligence intra and interpersonal. I know my family put an alarm on the clock and communicated to the members of your family that they have five minutes to choose which object is that each of the members would take to a deserted island. With your children then says why have chosen each object in particular and, ultimately, that each person discuss what gift has made him feel more identified and by What. This dynamic is to all members of the family to reflect about the needs that other members have and to what extent are receptive to them. Positive communication requests things to each Member of the family write on paper all that it bothers his parents or siblings and then ask him to say one by one to the intesado. The person who heard the criticisms only can say positive things, like what beautiful you are today!, or what would you give for your birthday?. Practicing this fun exercise will be able to relax the tensions accumulated and everyone will realize that it is not so difficult to remember to smile and give the best of each other. Walking in family suggest to your children, even a walk in the Park, the beach or the mountain; and you assign a task to each one, for example, one is fixed only in the things that you hear, another in which is observed, other odors, etc. Then, during lunch or dinner says with These are the perceptions that has had every one. This game of the perceptive walk aims to which each Member to reflect about how situations are experienced depending on those aspects that pay more or less attention, and many times, as each one focuses on something different, occurring misunderstandings. I have happy solutions when worry to one of your children a situation in particular, ask you to relax and tell him a story in which a character living a similar experience to which he or she has faced or will have to deal with, and how overcame it in a positive way. What is intended with this simple game is to give the opportunity to your son or daughter’s release tension by means of symbolic thinking, identify with the protagonist of the story and learning ways to confront obstacles to find more effective. As you noticed, developing emotional intelligence in children and adolescents is something very simple that only requires you to use a little imagination and some of patience. Important to apply any of these dynamics is clinging to the script and avoiding the moralizing and sermons to observe reactions that we don’t like. Recalls: only you can get closer to your child and help him become a better person if you do not judge. Jenny Guerra Hernandez