Medical Chamber

Special shortage of specialists is observed in institutions providing outpatient and emergency treatment assistance. In rural areas, staffed by medical personnel is only one-third of normativnoy.Takim, today the country has developed three main sectors of health care. This is primarily the so-called elitist medicine designed exclusively for the Government, regions, cities and is financed by the respective budgets. Another sector – commercial. Third, public sector, serving majority of the population who did not get into the first two razryada.Spustya 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet health care system can be stated that the reforms have not improved the situation in health care, but rather its uhudshili.Voznikaet natural question: what next? What steps need to take practical steps to revive the Russian health care system that would be medicine accessible to all segments of the population, not only for "Elite"? At the end of 2009 Commission on Health of the Public Chamber of Russia decided to create in Russia, "National Medical Chamber." What caused this decision? What changes will bring it to the service of Russians' health? Questions browser 'WG' meets the chairman of the Commission on Health of the Public Chamber, Professor Leonid Roshal.Rossiyskaya Newspaper: Leonid! I understand that the creation Medical Chamber – this is by no means a regular occurrence Medical Association: Leonid Roshal: Another association useless. Our national experience has shown that started in the country about 10 years ago regional medical associations, almost everywhere, with few exceptions, have died. Stronger role in improving the quality of care they did not play. .

Desktop Design

Nowadays, more and more talk about one, and it turns on all at once. That these lines are no exception, running in front of his artistic imagination, to admit. For your design idea article will be framed in a chic prints decorate the walls of words and business, as the original poster or a poster. … Cheap design, in my opinion, the term is not acceptable at all, even if you hang a single picture in a shoe shop. Simply place does not is still in the same place does not appear the best picture.

And whoever came to your door, notice the picture and to forget what came. So what is design, interior space. In my opinion, this well-chosen combination of lines and colors. That is, in other words I’m talking about the original idea more than a large investment. For taste is always born out of modesty. What replacement cost.

There are many ways to simply and tastefully arrange new office. One of them is the posters and placards. Correctly matched a picture or other image in conjunction with the composite processing and stylistic change the image’s interior can give a great result and at the same time to save your budget. When you print posters or placards on the canvas in most cases do not even need baguette design work. Enough subframe and high-quality stretch canvas, and a protective varnish coating make a poster almost for ever. The budget is certainly an important component in the design of the room, elegance and taste the same way no one has canceled, but there is another side about which is often overlooked: it is a semantic idea. Making paintings, posters, Desktop, as well as selected songs Verbal, printed on canvas, silently telling about the company. It is literally on the threshold, and most importantly without the necessary intervention by staff. And so the empty walls of your new office … … and it is always interesting.

Japan China

It was what its proper body also expected of it, that used of all the possibilities to get the necessary information to the party. ' ' (…) here it is me member of the Committee Ghost, debtor to the dissimulation, intrigues, the fingimento, all species of disgusting slyness ' ' (p 117). Exactly if feeling used and not agreeing to some things, its faith in the fight was inabalvel. After suffering new removal, without explanation, it decides together with Oswald, leaving Brazil. The organization of the party, knowing of its travels assigns, it to go to Russia, with its proper resources, supplies only documents. It starts thus its trips for the world.

U.S.A., Japan, China and Russia. In the text it does not have great stories of these trips, only some impressions, some described as of small account total. It did not have new features for, seemed all equal one in the world, until arriving at China. There, its perception regarding the conditions of life of population torments the Chinese it, setting on fire of time its desire for the revolution, for the oppressed salvation of ' ' Nonsense is everything so needily, that I never had courage to tell what I found there. The lie, fabula horrifies grotesca me for ridicule and same I think that everything that vi were mentira.' ' (p 144). Its experience with the drugs is told in this period of total discredit of the world.

When arriving Siberia all the evil to be acquired in China if esvai, its joy when entering in the country where the revolutionary ideal, theoretically, this if materialize, where the communism equals to all in a welfare common, makes with that it feels the life to blow in its face. Its deslumbramento is instantaneous, even so conscientious of its fanatism, cries ahead of the tomb of Lnin. It perceives some signals of that nor everything is of the skill that if presents to its eyes, but prefers to believe in its heart, in what it searched during as much time.

Planning Brasilia

The management based on the systemize results inside of the perspectives of the excellency criteria National Prize of Gesto Pblica (PQGF) represents an advance in the power to decide process. This evidence was made from the analysis of the questionnaire how much to the proposal of use of the system of pointers based in the model of excellency of the public administration that supplies the subsidies necessary an integrated evaluation of the management for the managers and basic importance to make possible the social control by means of the transparency of the management. It is distinguished priorizao of the use of pointers that direct action for the attendance to the citizen and the effectiveness of the reached results, preventing, in case that contrary, that the quality of management is only in the label.

The way for the development of a set of pointers of the judiciary member of labor party in national scope that allow to construct comparative referenciais (benchmarking), favoring social and managemental the control, also for intermediary of the electronic government is opened, suggesting it use of the picture reference developed in the dissertao of Blacksmith (2007). The Judiciary system must leave of being seen as a set of agencies disentailed between itself, each one carrying through the judgement in its way and to pass to be seen as really a system of distribution of trustworthy justice and clere. BRAZIL references. Managing plan of the Reformation of the Device of Estado (PDRAE).

Brasilia: Ministry of the Administration Federal and the Reformation of the State. Brasilia: TIDE, 1995 BRAZIL. Ministry of the Planning, Budget and Management. Secretariat of Management. Program of the Quality in the Public Service.


The recycling is a process that transforms the discarded garbage into a similar product to the initial or into a new product. The recycling has highly positive effect in the economic, social and ambient aspects. Its use as one of the tools of the integrated management of the solid residues promotes preservation of exhaustible raw material sources, increase of the useful life of the aterros sanitary, reduction of the costs of the final disposal of the garbage, economy of energy, generation of job and income, reduction of the expenses with the public health, ambient education, and for go there. As designers worried about the support of the planet, we create a project of reaproveitando of the lenses of eyeglasses that would be discarded in the nature. At the same time we will give a destination for what it would be garbage with degradation of long duration. Soon she is not being created substance demand extracted ambient cousin of the nature, as it is the case of the oil, non-renewable natural resources of where is manufactured resin CR-39.

The extration of the oil does not increase on account of this product. 5.1.RECICLAGEM AND Environment To recycle are one in the ways found for the man to preserve the environment, since to produce some product, she will not be necessary to remove the substance again cousin of the nature. The recycling of the aluminum can is one of the best examples of as the recycling helps in preservation of the environment. In accordance with TO RECYCLE BRAZIL (2009), the recycling of aluminum brings beneficial such as: Reduz the extration of the bauxite – for each a thousand kilos of aluminum that if it recycle, for example, approximately cares for five a thousand kilos of the rude ore; A recycling saves space in the sanitary aterros, therefore the cans do not arrive to go for the garbage; Estimula the ambient conscience of the population and the companies, who had started to have a responsible behavior in relation to the environment.

Gathering Mushrooms

While many mushrooms are edible, but they should be good to know, as come across a lot of inedible and even, in fact, poisonous mushrooms. Poisonous mushrooms are not harmful to surrounding plants, and even if you saw how the fungus eats animal, it does not mean that it will be harmless to humans. Because those fungi, which digest the animal, can poison the human body, because it is more sensitive to toxic substances. Many novice mushroom pickers often seen as poisonous mushrooms, which have some bright distinctive features, such as the sharp taste, color is too bright, or foul odor. But all these assertions are not always correct. For, in principle, be definitely think of any general rules for determining whether the toxic whether or not a mushroom.

Therefore, I personally, as an experienced mushroom hunter, I recommend to all novice mushroom collecting only those mushrooms that you know very well. A Specifically, many times seen in a lively and experienced mushroom hunter told you that this is an edible mushroom. Or do you have to be very well familiarized with illustrated fungal directories. Moreover, references can not only good understanding of what edible mushrooms, but also remember what the poisonous mushrooms to subsequently know to look at, what kind of mushrooms do not need to collect. More tips for working with the directory: if you have a good An illustrated guide, you can take it with a campaign for mushrooms, so that when in doubt, you could look into it. If not, you can use the online directory. Namely, when you returned home with mushrooms, you have at home can compare the collected mushroom handbook. And at home to throw out the poisonous mushrooms, if caught.

Quality Management

Authorities, companies and individuals are increasingly interested in the issue of data protection has what to do with quality management and ISO certifications and what the latter to have a functioning quality management is indispensable in most industries. Each production is dependent on exact repetitive work results. A modern vehicle consists of up to 14,000 items, which are made by dozens of companies in a variety of countries on different continents. It is easy to understand, but hard to imagine what precision is required, ultimately to build together a car, whose gap tolerances expressed in millimeters and below. This example can be applied in principle on almost all conceivable sectors, from the food industry to global logistics companies. A quality management system is based on all targeted and result-oriented work and production processes. It does it generally no matter what kind are is, as it’s called. It is important that development steps are properly logged, transparent and thus any repeatable, with exactly the same result.

Viewed in that light Cookbook represents not only a fascinating culinary time capsule large woman, but the base of modern quality management is simply: the manual. It contains the general requirement (cooking or baking book), the specified target (Sachertorte), the required ingredients and perhaps, where exactly they are ideally to obtain, with exact quantities, in addition to the order of the steps the prescribed time intervals of baking and rest periods are recorded for practical tips for a perfect presentation, because the eye eats with Yes finally! Generally speaking is the meaning and purpose of a cooking or baking book, to deliver the same optimal baking result in compliance with the prescribed rules. The short torn analogies should serve only the often verbal and instrumental darkened To lighten the background of professional quality management. Now I am neither chef nor automotive supplier, but quality management officer of an international Internet service provider.

Global Crisis

They say those who know:-this so publicized world financial crisis is due to the lack of regulations. Although the libremercadistas and anarchists are angry, I think that we cannot agree with this conclusion. It’s like when a life partner without having signed papers free union is called. Such freedom no respect a spouse and the other. The paper is right and necessary, but not imprisons them. If a man and a woman living together with Act of marriage and no act, loyalty and fidelity one due to the other. In this regard they are not free.

The term free union, is therefore used by ignorance or pretext. So revered free market can not be such. Then it must be asked: does free of what or who?. Let’s see. If by fear or bad milk investors withdraw their money from companies, jobs disappear, low consumption, and emerging countries as Mexico stop selling their goods and suffer the flight of capital, then, say free-market is attempting to fool listeners.

And I think that there had been very successful in this. Until now. When a marriage (with documents or without them) there are breaking or flight of one of the spouses, someone is going to get hurt. And although there are two, there are always more people injured. Analogously, in the atmosphere of the market, that basically is the exchange of goods and services to live, when you remove or weaken one of the important parts, then the rest suffer. There is talk that the bankers and other companies invested money taken money from investors, society and Government in an irresponsible manner causing a weakening of the capacity to pay of these companies (bankruptcy!), which in turn caused investors distrust and withdraw their precious money in the capital markets. For this reason we have seen daily spectacle of the fall of the United States and the world stock exchanges.

Kiev Polytechnic Institute

We did not teach Moldovan, not because did not like or despise this language, but simply because he was not we need it. There is no need was not there. 2 In 1975 I enrolled in one of the technical university in Kiev. And for me it was quite natural that the teaching in the universities was conducted in Russian. I even question does not arise: why? I have all the previous life he was convinced that it should always be that way – well, that can not be otherwise. Now I understand that just for me, a Russian, this situation was a pleasant, comfortable, I am satisfied in all respects. As for my fellow students, the Ukrainians, who had been studying in Ukrainian schools, their transition to study all subjects in Russian certainly has not been easy. Although it is concealed by their excellent knowledge of Russian.

However, if the ratio of my fellow Ukrainians to this state of things I did not interested. Not until this happened. And in general: language problems while I was doing very little. Already in progress at this writing, I spoke with his neighbor, a Ukrainian, who graduated from the Ukrainian school in western Ukraine and then he studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Of course, in Russian. To find out how was the transition of the Ukrainian school students in Russian in high schools? The answer to my question was: "It was hard." And this despite the fact that Russian in Soviet schools taught well.

Special Marketing Techniques

Although, of course, recognition – one of the strongest arguments brand ", – says Olga Ugryumova. – If your brand is recognized 200, and bought a 15 – hence, the coefficient of the transition from awareness to purchase for him – 7.5% – says Ivan Drogushev. – If a successful company in your market are more high koeffitsientperehoda of fame to buy, then you can work hard to increase this ratio. There are special marketing techniques. But all of them – and I stress – everything starts with the definition of quality if the product offered, is it true target groups, whether correct positioning relative to competitors, etc. "With regard to financial methods, it may be based on a comparison of similar products in which the evaluation criterion is the analysis of price difference on similar nebrendovy product and tangible assets – sums Olga Ugryumova.

In this case, the most important criteria will be the profit over the next 3-5 years existence of contracts, licenses, certificates, and other technologies moral rights. Depending on the reason (alienation, audit or otherwise) in the assessment may include a number of other criteria. All of these methods, however, can not give absolutely accurate assessment, since unable to take into account several important factors – such as loyalty leading specialists to new leadership, with its sale. Or degree of interest potential buyer to a particular proposed brand. Therefore, the objectivity of the brand often depends on an adequate assessment of the circumstances that assessment. To obtain the most reliable result requires in-depth analysis of all aspects of the company and use the combined methods of assessment.