Deprivation Of Liberty On The Highway

Who is instructed on the use of the motorway, currently often faces a big problem: congestion it will rather dark In the fall and the days and nights are rained out increasingly. This makes a drive not exactly pleasant. Worse still, that it so teems with roadworks on the motorway. This enormously promotes the potential of stress and also the risk of congestion. Anger and tension provide the most accidents in road traffic.

And the most common cause of stress on the highway in turn is a traffic jam. So here are some tips to make it to install either themselves or other road users in danger. Avoid routes with construction sites the ADAC storage database have shown that high levels of traffic and construction sites are the cause for about 75 percent of traffic jams. Currently, there are over 400 sites on the German railways. Traffic report and Web pages of motoring information on construction sites and other obstacles on the route. Therefore applies: keep track of traffic reports as soon as possible to the one you should Check starting Storage priorities.

For example, you can retrieve the current traffic situation on the Internet and seek out any diversionary routes. Of course, also the traffic helps. But be careful! It is only times too close to a traffic jam: traffic jams bypass at short notice helps decisions to avoid a traffic jam, are rarely crowned with success. Each alternative route if only 10 percent of motorists at the start of the dam drive off, is sealing, already after a short time as storage researchers have determined. And a problem for the technology. Navis create congestion ADAC expressed the view, navigation devices were the cause of many traffic problems away from the highways. Many devices already respond to short distances with tough running traffic with the recommendation to avoid on branch lines. If you can no longer escape a traffic jam, you should make the most of his situation. Column jump makes aggressive frequent lane changes on each vehicle group to move past, by you repeatedly get a in the gaps, increases the risk of accidents. But not only that, but also the aggression of all those involved. Since it is also totally unnecessary, because there are no faster track usually obtained the same result, no matter whether you are driving on the left, middle or right lane in a traffic jam. If it comes to the subjective impression, left the cars would come forward faster, so this is often deceptive. As a general rule: distance enlarge who increased the distance to the vehicle ahead, does even the biggest favors, because less tiring driving. Reduces the risk of a maneuver. And most important, even in a traffic jam: the hard shoulder is taboo only because many do, it won’t have long to the customary law! Only due to a police statement or corresponding signs the hard shoulder may be used as a lane. To ensure the necessary relaxation during the congestion in the car audio books or beautiful music would suitable according to ADAC experts Andreas Holzel. In the post “who use the” “Highway relies on, currently often faces a big problem: traffic jam” was previously the theme to the bottom left. He was hence all numbers, data and facts that were used in this press release.

Lighting Technology

Click and light & CONZEPT – strong partner in terms of lighting online stores sprouting out of the ground like nothing but shop is not equal to shop. In terms of light, you should rely on a powerful partner. Why? This question is easy to answer, because light affects our daily life significantly, rarely more than we might think. The proper lighting in a room decides whether we feel is good, relax and sit back or whether we feel as uncomfortable. Click belongs to the leading online shops in the area of lighting with an assortment of over 9000 lamps and luminaires.

Click can have but more a feature, which speaks for the excellent quality of the company. The Isales media OHG has joined light & concept. LIGHT & CONZEPT is a leading lighting stores. All connected retailers are characterised by a wide range of lamp in all price ranges, offer competent advice but also additionally. Individual lighting design, for every room the right light, not just a matter of taste, but also of knowledge. In addition to the numerous lamps & lights, click offers tips and tricks around the theme of light.

In the living room, outdoor, choosing the right bulb and planning AIDS for optimal lighting. The online shop click can look back now on 5 years experience and has developed it constantly. The design was changed, the online shop corresponds to modern standards, also in terms of safe shopping. About 18,000 visitors per month speak for themselves. Since May 2009, there is now also a new business site to the also excellent service to customers, as well as the way the selected lights and lights on the ground to pick up.

Internet Mobile

The locations of cell phones is possible but there are legal restrictions know many people only from the television the places of a mobile phone number. In thrillers locates the police such as the mobile phone of a suspect, to find out his location. In reality, that looks very similar to, the mobile phone tracking is an important technology today in various areas, to track people. In principle individuals can track the phones of other people, but there are legal restrictions. Because without the consent of the target person, it is punishable. On numerous Internet sites you can get phone numbers places, for example, to check, whether the partner is also true, or for the protection of children, if they are traveling alone. But here, too, the target must first comply.

GSM mobile phone tracking the simplest technique is the so called GSM location. This is required by the operator. The mobile phone networks are divided into different cell towers. Where a cell is the coverage area a mobile phone mast. Because the phone regularly communicates with the mobile phone masts, the site can be so easily be determined. That happens way, not unless we make phone calls, but every time, when our mobile phone to a new cell. However, this form of mobile phone positioning is relatively inaccurate. To determine though, in what city or what district a person resides, but that is not sufficient to determine the exact location.

A mobile radio cell diameter between 300 m and 3 km, depending on the location. More mobile phone positioning with GPS very much more accurate is the places a mobile phone with the GPS technology possible. While the mobile satellite is found. The site investigation works the same way as with any navigation system. As in this, a very accurate positioning is possible. Police and rescue services use this technology generally, however, it is only possible if the mobile is also GPS enabled and the GPS function is activated. Since this is not always the case, both methods, GSM will and used GPS in combination. Internet sites offer free mobile phone positioning on Internet sites such as, for example, learn not only exciting about this subject, but also places other people can. Keep in mind, however, that the location of a mobile number is only legal if the person has previously agreed to. Therefore, a declaration of consent of the target person is first necessary for such a service. This can be done via SMS. In this case, the provider of the target first sends an SMS and informed them about the location attempt. For fun, you can certainly try out such services. You have but also useful applications such as, for example, the supervision of children or people who are suffering from dementia. Usually such services be used but of friends, quite simply at any time to see where the best friend or best friend happen to be.

Worldwide Berlin

A classical architectural style lives again in Berlin & Brandenburg: the German Bauhaus belongs to the architectural milestones of modernism. For several years it has once again huge popularity in home construction in Berlin and Brandenburg. “Because the new objectivity”, as the Bauhaus style is also called, combines attractive design with sophisticated functionality. The architect and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius propagated there is no difference of nature between the artist and the craftsman”. The brand new style as well as the return to the traditional craft of house building embodied in the 1920s as also the adaptation to the modern mass. Besides Gropius, Hannes Meyer and Ludwig include Mies van der Rohe to the representatives of the well-known architectural directions of the Bauhaus. Worldwide this style in Dessau is widespread also among the names of classic modern, international style, and new build. Since 1996, the Bauhaus building in Dessau belongs officially to the world cultural heritage of UNESCO.

Unique Designs instead of mass construction of the bar now has the Bauhaus steadily evolved and was brought along with the opportunities of a modern House architecture in harmony. Today the claims, in particular on uniqueness, as well as energy balance, grew still. The Bauhaus makes domestic farmers a good basis: its current renaissance owes it the timeless claim to reconcile technology and arts and crafts. In addition, also individually designed sustain are now quite affordable. On the real estate market of the home provider in Berlin and Brandenburg, a variety of custom designed models with a typical, sleek and uncluttered style can be found today. New models in the Bauhaus style offer a gain in individual design and creative independence of domestic farmers? gone are the days of the types of houses off the shelf as well as monotonous new settlements. The Bauhaus is particularly high demands on the energy efficiency for the House Party in Berlin and Brandenburg interesting, because it also can be adjusted in its simple, pragmatic architecture to high energy requirements.

Criteria Requirements

The argument – a number of related are judgments that are expressed in order to convince the reader (listener) fidelity (true) thesis in terms of the positions. Judgement – a phrase or sentence which makes sense to ask: true or false? Case – Rationale for that conclusion is true or absolutely with any degree of probability. As the arguments used by the facts, references to authorities, obviously true judgments (laws, axioms, etc.), proof (direct, indirect, "contradiction", "method of exclusion"), etc. The list, which will result in the transfer of ideas, help you determine which of them need a special argument. Sources.

Theme essay tells you where to look for the right material. Usually use the library, Internet resources, dictionaries, reference books. The revision means the text editing with a focus on quality and efficiency. The text is composed of four main components: clarity of thought, intelligibility, literacy and accuracy. The idea – it's written content. It must be clearly and articulate ideas that you want to express, otherwise you will not be able to bring these ideas and information to others. Intelligibility – the accessibility of text for comprehension. The easiest way to achieve it can, using the logical and consistent way carefully chosen words, phrases and paragraphs interrelated, disclosure of the issue.

Literacy reflects adherence to grammar and spelling. If in doubt about something, look in the book, Manage in a dictionary or style guide to read or give written by a man whose style of writing you like. Correctness – a style of writing. Style to define the genre, structure, work objectives, which poses a writer, reader, to whom he appeals. Rating Essay Evaluation Criteria Essays can be transformed, depending on their particular form, with the general requirements for quality essays are judged on the following criteria: Criteria Requirements for student maximum number of points and Knowledge understanding of theoretical material. – Defines the concepts addressed clearly and completely, giving relevant examples – the concepts used strictly fit the theme – the independence of the job. 2 points and Analysis evaluation of information – correctly applies the categories of analysis – skillfully uses the techniques of comparison and synthesis for analyzing the relationship of the concepts and phenomena – can explain the alternative views on the matter under consideration and to reach a balanced conclusion – the range used by the information space (a student uses a large number of different sources of information) – rightly interprets text information with using graphs and charts – provides a personal assessment issue; 4 points Building judgments – the clarity and sharpness of presentation – structuring logic of evidence – argued, accompanied by a competent argument – are different points of view and their personal evaluation. – The general form of presentation of the results and their interpretation of the genre corresponds to the problem of a scientific article. 3 points of the design – the work meets the basic requirements for the design and use of quotations; – compliance with the lexical, idiomatic, grammatical, and stylistic norms of the Russian literary language – how the text in full compliance with the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation – compliance with formal requirements. Based on materials from HSE

Buy Natural Honey

Honey – a useful food product known to man since ancient times. Mention of him can be found both in Scripture and in various historical sources, works of art and literature of different nations. Honey – not just sweetness, which is nice to use in everyday life, but also good medicine that can help prevent many diseases. But always gets the same question, where to buy the present natural quality product? with friends or the market? But how many stories about that when buying in this way was purchased fake! In supermarektah may sell honey, heat-treated, and therefore lost many of its beneficial properties. If you are looking for a real natural honey – you should definitely pay attention to the resource Dobrsys-pchela.Ru. We can buy honey from a beekeeper, brought from different regions of Russia. In Kind honey bee combs different: Lime, Sweet Clover, meadow, chestnut, rock, lime mediz Primorsky Krai, buckwheat, acacia and other species.

Because the suppliers of the products are beekeepers not one, but from different regions of the country offers a wide range of varieties. A good bee also offers a variety of other bee products: beeswax, pollen, pollen, bee Podmore, propolis. A good bee has a range of honey in souvenir packaging and gift wrapping. Also, there is honey in the souvenir painted wooden casks lime. Each barrel is painted by hand folk ornaments. Painted spoon and rosette for fine honey suitable for souvenir keg of honey. Barrels of honey available in different sizes. Capacity can be a keg of honey 350 grams to 2.5 kilograms. The site Dobrsys-pchela.Ru collected a large amount of useful information about honey, propolis, pollen, Perge and other bee products.

Shooting Weddings In 3D

The new service on the market – wedding photography in 3D! Since not many people know what is at stake, will concentrate on key points. Video taping the registration of marriage has long been on a par with a visit to places of memory or wedding gifts. Now the service is available in 3D video – Surround video with depth and the removal of various objects in space predekrannoe. Your wedding takes professional stereooperator using instead of the usual one camera – two are connected in a special design. The script and the video recording is a little different from the usual wedding, because the 3D film has its own laws.

So young, and guests have “Play” in real actors and some scenes shot in multiple takes. However, everything is done so as not to delay the process, not to bore the guests to enjoy shooting. Further, in the studio is stereo installation and image processing. Through special programs a two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional image with inherent real 3D depth, and the removal of objects. Memories of your wedding will remain bright in bulk video, and view which can immerse themselves in the picture, touch the hand of the bride’s dress to see flying in front of a wedding ring.

Two main issues arise when choosing a wedding shoot it in 3D – how to view The record and the cost of such services. Upon capture studio will give you different options for the movie: – Plain film, which can be viewed on any TV, monitor, plasma. – Stereo film – for anaglyph (for example, red-blue) glasses, which can be viewed on monitors, plasma screens – Stereo film – for 3D glasses (shutter, polarization, etc.). It can be viewed on hardware that supports the function of 3D. This may be normal computer with a special video card, a projector or TV with the function of 3D. At the moment, is almost all the major manufacturers of video equipment have released their versions of 3D TVs. When ordering wedding photography specialists in 3D will be able to advise you and select the most suitable equipment for 3D movie filming weddings – and exclusive service to date is not available to everyone. The cost is about $ 10 000, but the amount fully live up to expectations. What to look for. Against the background of the popularity of 3D, many companies who rent to the usual wedding video, are beginning to offer 3D imagery. However, these two types of surveys are completely different. For this stereo, you must have a great experience shooting and editing it in 3D. Otherwise, you can not just not get a quality product, but also do serious damage to their health, in particular – vision. If you choose this service recommend that you carefully review already taken off work, learn from the experience in stereo photography. Pay attention to the depth of the image and its removal at the screen. Today in Ukraine the first professional Studio for 3D shooting.

Traditional Medicine Massage

You know the feeling of stiffness and tension in the shoulder blades? What you have is reminiscent of phrases like, 'shot in the neck …' or, in the back 'came'? Discomfort, right? At that point, you feel so helpless! If you drove the needle into the back … Such sensations of acute pain, stiffness and tightness for many people become habitual, acquiring the status of 'occupational disease'. Drivers, managers and even the gardeners and gardeners suffer from this pain. Often the only means of salvation for such people is peace and warming effect of some ointment. And it certainly helps. But not for long. The pain subsides, but from time to time back again.

Over the years, such 'backache' occur with increasing frequency. What is the cause of such acute pain? The reason is obvious to many. Spine as the pivot of the whole organism, carries a tremendous burden. A overload and overstrain your spine we agree, we are able better than to unload and take care! The more so that compressing the spine movements in our lives is much greater than the tensile (obyazyany, For example, because the climb derevm spine disease do not suffer). Clamped nerve, muscle was fixed by wiping the intervertebral disc, vertebra and so moved. All this is reflected in our rod spine. So, of course, diseases of the spine and pain in the paravertebral area of the spine (muscles and tissues surrounding the spinal column) are the most prevalent diseases in the world.

Medical Devices

Each of us comes a time when we begin to think about their own health and the health of loved ones. It seems there is nothing terrible, but already have the first urge. Currently, the majority of Russians live in the complex economic conditions that going to pay the medical establishment provides a certain inconvenience, and radiation quality is decent money. Also now you no one can guarantee acquired drug would have the money written on the packaging. Literate people understand that drugs have their own adverse effects, and adverse factors. Obtained as in folk wisdom – one treat, and the other cripple. To such situations did not arise, scientists have developed medical devices that can help with health problems without the use of medicinal sredstv.Sovremenny technological level these devices allows the use of more advanced methods of rehabilitation and treatment of the body. For most of us have become familiar home medical equipment.

Specialized machines and laser therapy magnetic therapy, ultrasonic inhalers, etc. Now available to everyone and anyone can buy them for home use. More than 10 years in Russia can buy medical products for home use: inhalers air purifiers, massage, laser devices, ultraviolet lamps, etc. Most of the instruments are publicly available and are sold without any special recipes for home use. The use of these medical devices in some cases helps to replace the treatment medication. Their assistance is invaluable in a variety of situations, and ease of use allows people to enjoy them very different vozrasta.Sovremenny market medical equipment is very large and interesting information, on any device is not difficult to find.

Youth Research Society

Within this framework, conducted sociological study to identify the problems of youth, organized by the Council’s interaction with the trade union committee of the University in order to express the interests of young scholars in the social sphere. An important focus of the Council is making analytical reports, memos showing the problems faced by young people for solutions that require decision making at the level of the university. One of the objectives of the Council of the INR – assistance in the publications of the young Scientists in national publications, and interdisciplinary integration of young scientists through the organization of scientific conferences. In order to improve the professional skills of the Council is holding a contest for the best scientific the work of young scientists. Three members of the Youth Council of Scientific Society of the Rostov State Medical University, many useful and good deeds. This is an organizational events, conferences students, young scientists and specialists participated in the regional, national and international scientific conferences. In 2007, Council members held the intra-and inter-chair contests for the best student’s scientific work, elimination round of student research papers to participate in the 61st Final Science Conference and many other activities.

Now under preparation for National Youth Forum, “My legislative initiative “to be held in late January. In February, plans to participate in the II-th International scientific conference of young scientists and physicians, in March – in the III-International Pirogov her student research medical conferences, etc. Those who choose to send their work to the conference, warned of this council INR, here you can learn about the requirements for the conferences. Thus, the Council’s work is aimed at creating an enabling environment for effective scientific work of young people in the Rostov State Medical University. Not so long ago opened a new official website of the Youth Research Society RostGMU:. This resource provides news of the Council of the INR, information on university, study groups, internal and vnevuzovskih conferences.

In addition, there is a wide range of information services for young scientists and those who thinks about his future and a good career. The site contains a description of upcoming scientific and technical activities, conferences, seminars, workshops, contests, forums, contests, workshops, etc. A major section is devoted to literature for the funds, sponsors, grants and scholarships. This resource can be sure not to miss anything important or interesting from the world of youth and science careers. It offers visitors to the site – forum, chat, guestbook book. Incidentally, for ads on this resource, as well as sponsorship can contact us by e-mail addresses: and info @ sno-rostgmu. Wherever he worked a doctor after graduating from university, his work is impossible without scientific analysis facts. Therefore, the debt of the Youth Research Society – to develop the desire to fruitful scientific research. As the years of experience, just from the ranks of young scientists subsequently formed faculty of our university. After graduating from the Rostov State Medical University, the most active Members of the circle are recommended to graduate school, the theoretical and clinical residency. That is why it is so important to work to attract INR growing number of scholars, students, interns, residents in the ranks of young scientists.