Online Press Releases

Marketing expert Prof. Dr. Michael Baird in an interview with PR gateway relevant content are the basis for customer retention and customer acquisition in the Web 3.0. Therefore, online press releases have great potential for success with content marketing content. Prof. Dr. Michael Baird, of the German Institute of marketing and member of the jury in the competition “the best online press release 2013”, explains in an exclusive interview with PR-gateway, which is especially important for content marketing. Companies occupy main topics and demonstrate expertise PR-gateway: a study of the communication agency Waggener Edstrom surveyed 150 companies to their content marketing experiences.

81 Percent noted a clear increase in the number of visitors your website (). 61 Percent report even higher sales figures. What makes the content marketing as an effective strategy? Prof. Dr. Michael Baird: many companies to still ask: what is content marketing and how do I use this strategy effectively for my online presence? Can with content marketing Company themed place in the perception of the target groups. Special content marketing: The target groups are the focus, not the companies. Unlike the usual advertising opportunities, present company not only their products and services, but occupy a particular focus on the publication of selected content.

The content marketing aims to demonstrate their own expertise through qualitative content to assert itself as a subject matter expert. For companies this means: with the production of high-quality content, the editorial entitlement increases tremendously. Factors of successful content PR-gateway: what factors distinguish successful content? Prof. Dr. Michale Bernecker: first and foremost the content should contain useful information for the own audiences. So, successful content is usually particularly relevant, entertaining, divisible, credible and inspiring for most companies, it is a challenge to create such content content is PR-gateway: How to find company content that really interest your target groups? Prof. Dr. Michael Baird: every company should decide what content it can generate to pass on useful information and valuable knowledge of the own target groups.

Cologne Administrative Court

Dispute about products on the basis of the \”Graubehaarten Rock\”-medicinal product or medical device recently another judgment to the exciting demarcation of pharmaceuticals to medical devices fell. In this case, the Cologne Administrative Court ruled on the classification of two products that are intended to protect against colds and flu. These consist essentially of an extract of the plant Cistus Incanus, the \”Graubehaarten Rock\”, a 30-100 cm high shrub of the Mediterranean. The manufacturer of the products is of the opinion, we are dealing with the preparations to medical devices. This Liege on the one on the only physical operation of the products, on the other hand on the product presentation and marketing. The defendant monitoring authority and the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) argued, however, that it was due to the pharmacological effects of products regulated medicines.

The Administrative Court of Cologne has attached itself to the opinion of the authorities and the products as medicines classified. Unlike the parties mainly arguing with a physiological/pharmacological effects, the court essentially turns off, that the products to cure, alleviation or prevention of human diseases or pathological symptoms are intended and thus in 2 medicines Act (AMG) anchored the first alternative the definition of medicinal product of the so-called medicinal product presentation meet, namely. Then drugs are \”substances or preparations from materials, to the application in the or are intended on the human or animal body and are intended as having properties to cure or relief or for the prevention of human or animal diseases or pathological symptoms\”. The Court granted looks at these conditions. According to leaflets and packaging of the products this is among other things a preventive as well as accompanying effect of treatment for colds, viral diseases and inflammatory conditions in the mouth and throat. Thus, the products are undoubtedly as a means for preventing and treatment of diseases.

Latin America

The American president soon said that she would give support to Brazil and the Brazilian president felt itself flattered. Thing good U.S.A. for wanting to extend relations with Brazil, signal that the country is there with good image is. Papo tava so well so gostoso and flowing that they had decided to speak of commerce, exportations and opening of markets. American president suggested that Brazil stopped to import Chinese products, those baratinhos, me the quality and that dependent of U.S.A. became Latin America less.

Say-whose until he revived that American products are more interesting, but the Brazilian president affirmed that China liked to export primary products. They had talked a little and they moved of subject. Taking black coffee and laughing to toa, they had spoken of energy you renewed including them, biocombustvel and daily pay-salt. Lord American disclosed to extremity interest and sufficient curiosity in this sector, each time more efervescente in the Brazilian economy. To say of the relation of both the countries with the Anger left the tense climate short while, but all this colloquy still more increased the dream of the Brazilian president in including Brazil in the Advice of Security of the ONU.

E had not spoken very of corruption. Here it is that they had spoken of sport, Pantry of Mundo and Olimpadas in Brazil. Maquinrios the American president was gentile when offering, arranging preparativeses and other things more. The first woman president of Brazil was thankful, showed also areas that interest in the relation had Brazil-U.S.A., therefore as it says in the campaign politics, its mandate would be of unions. The colloquy arrived at the end. The American president left leaving Brazilian we some doubts. It will be that this relation will be real or only ideologies plays to the table? Sincerely, I believe that if well managed this union it can in such a way have advantages for U.S.A. as for Brazil. Over all, we are showing our potential and it he is being recognized internationally. This is very good, thus our country will become better, good chances will appear and will be developed economically social and. This yes is important.

Generate Traffic

Today I want to share with you what I have been learning lately: we all know that one of the most important points to having a successful business on the internet is to receive highly qualified traffic that is sustainable in the long term. But before you can start to generate traffic to your blog it is necessary to know these 3 fundamental principles; with these 3 principles you will be in a better position to take highly qualified traffic to your site again and again. -Principle number 1: you have probably heard the phrase content is King. That is very true, especially when it comes to the success of your blog; the content in addition to being the King will help you to draw the attention of your visitors and get hordes of qualified towards your site traffic. This content should be perceived as valuable by your audience, and if it does not consider it valuable they will not return to your blog and will not share it with other people, which ultimately is what we want, that it becomes a snowball effect, or in other words make it viral. Then this is the starting point of all the generating traffic to your blog; and it is also one of the few ways that you can truly stand out from the rest (thousands and thousands) of other bloggers. -Principle number 2: the importance of building relationships – to be successful with your blog on the internet is necessary in addition to create relationships with visitors to the same, and blog is an excellent way to build relationships; and that’s how you look at it: Veil (to your blog) as a tool for this purpose; stronger relationship with your visitors, the more success you will have. And how you build strong relationships using your blog? Well, first providing value to your visitors (as I have been saying in point 1); and second, while maintaining contact with your visitors, is through your newsletter, or involving people in a conversation, using your blog as a medium for this. It is very simple.

Original Management

Nobody is born with skills to manage his time. Fortunately over time with a little effort livelihood strategies can be improved. If you are willing to put the effort into mastering time management, all you need is a simple change of mentality. If you want to try to improve their time management skills you must try to establish a time management system. By this I mean, the creation of a mental system that follow every day, in order to leave established the idea of the management of the time in your mind. This will make it a habit and therefore will never be a problem. How to configure a time management system: the first thing you need to do is take a pencil, paper and start writing.

Write about what you want to achieve, what to do. Then find out what you need to do daily to achieve those objectives. Write down big goals and then break them into smaller, more manageable parts goals that will finally lead to the achievement larger goals. Then put a restriction on time for the goals smaller (must be realistic), and all type. Publish this schedule of reference near your work space and watch it continuously to make sure that is focused on the task.

How to use a time management system: once we have a set time management system will need to know how to use it well. Well, it’s very simple. Invest some time in your day and sit to work you need to use the system only. Select the first task in your system attack it. This means that you close all distractions such as Facebook, youtube, etc. Focusing entirely on that task and achieve that end within the time limit which has been fixed. If it does, put it aside and go to the next task. The point of this system is to really focus, you will not get anything if you don’t focus and that’s what time management is. Concentrate on one task at a time and get it done as fast as possible. = Course for the efficient management of time, effective techniques that can be applied in less than seven minutes to achieve more than they never believed possible in less time. Visit for more information. = Original author and source of the article.

Building Management

The facility management solution IMSware in use. The IGA GmbH in Alsdorf is owned GmbH in the town of Alsdorf and managed the majority of the documented buildings of the municipality near Aachen. Only with the help of an integrated information system is the possibility to provide the abundance of inventory and usage data, as well as the necessary cost information, manage and evaluate. The use of a CAFM-solution is the logical decision of necessary restructuring and cost reductions for the building and plant management, which consistently pursues the IGA GmbH. Alsdorf was planned and discussed. At the end of claims, requirements and objectives were.The search for a suitable system and service providers led the IGA Alsdorf to IMS GmbH. reputation and references secured the decision on the search for a suitable system. A detailed specification was developed in cooperation with the project manager of the IMS and the person in charge of the IGA Alsdorf, as well as several workshops.

In training users will met all possibilities of the CAFM system and at the same time learned to operate the system is flexible and easy. The user system acceptance was especially important to us”, said IGA project manager, architect Michael Minnaert. Another prerequisite was a flexible system environment. The system must adapt fully to our individual needs”, Minnaert adds. Before commissioning the building data in the CAFM system a plucking to, however.

Data are to sift, to check on compliance with the stock, or even to collect. Here, some perspective is required. We collect only the relevant, target-oriented inventory data in the first step”to Minnaert. According to analysis of work processes and data location began the prioritization of tasks, as well as the sequence of the introduction the following modules: IMSware.Basis incl. GrafikBudgetmanagement, order management, maintenance management, IMSware.WEB portal, and energy management. In addition, a DATEV interface is realized. The introduction of the software is modular. In the first step of the introduction was the budget and contract management made ready for use. Now we have a differentiated overview of the resources situation and building operating costs at any time”Minnaert explains. In the second step, we will complement the relevant building data for maintenance management. With the introduction of maintenance management, we better have a cost-intensive area in the handle and can raise real metrics through more informed decisions based on savings. Immediately afterwards, the energy management in attack is taken. Rising energy prices lead to ever-increasing building maintenance costs. Here apply the lever for cost savings, makes a lot of sense anyway.

Leonard Hoffman

Authority: The ability to take the people to make of good will what you want because of a personal influence. Ahead of this definition, we in contrast conclude that it is not necessary to have brain to have to be able, of the authority that requires total ability so that it is exerted. The ideal then, is that the people with power also have authority. Still in the general context of leadership and saying on the Book the MONGE AND the EXECUTIVE, in the room chapter the verb, says of the characteristics of the leader and its virtues in the organizacional scope. We find important to mention one of them: Humildade: To be authentic, without pretension, pride or arrogance.

We find, therefore that the organizations need leaders with autenticidades, abilities to be true with the people, and not leader prepotent and endowed with an immense pride. We stand out a stretch of the Book the MONGE AND the EXECUTIVE who says: When working with people and obtaining that the things if make through them, always will have two dynamic in game: the task and the relationship. It has necessity of not losing the balance. The leader who will not be fulfilling the tasks and alone if to worry about the relationship will not have its assured leadership. The key for the leadership is to execute the tasks while the relationships are constructed. (Frade Leonard Hoffman) We consider that Frade when elaborated this model was worried accurately about this balance: the leader will not leave of being leader if to leave to execute one definitive task that could bring risks it organization from fear to harm its relationships with the group. In contrast, the leader will be displaying and exerting the ideas imposed for the organization without placing it at risk and at the same time showing to the group the harmful quo she would be for all executed such task.

Combat Obesity

Until not long ago, one of the most common medications for treating patients with obesity were compounds with amphetamines and other drugs. Subsequently it was discovered a large amount of harmful effects of these preparations and amphetamines were banned for the treatment of this pathology. Even so, many professionals are still prescribing them accompanied by other medicines that also require a strict medical supervision such as antidepressants, laxatives, diuretics and sedatives. With the exception of sibutramine and orlistat, which are the only approved medication to treat obesity, amphetamines generate addiction very quickly and cause more problems than benefits. If the obese is not rigorously controlled by a professional, the use of illegal drugs can lead to death. Antidepressants, anxiolytics and sedatives that they occur in combination with amphetamines may temporarily relieve negative emotions of the obese but not serve as an effective treatment. The causes of all these problems continue There, dormant under so much drug. These drugs can only be prescribed by a medical specialist and are generally managed as a complement of a multidisciplinary therapy (with the participation of psychologists, nutritionists and medical specialists in weight reduction).

As amphetamines generate addiction, the patient usually suffering serious effects to quit using them that have resulted in the recovery of the lost weight. The symptoms that occur correspond with a withdrawal syndrome: psychological, physical and even neurological problems appear. The general malaise that appears makes that person generally replace the old unhealthy feeding patterns and begin to gain weight. Soon returns to the initial weight and may even surpass it. The anguish, anxiety and lack of encouragement are very common symptoms, also is common, that person becomes irritable, unstable and have difficulty falling asleep. Physical complications include cardiovascular problems as the arterial hypertension and tachycardia.

When it has been consumed this drug for a long time the complications can be severe. If you want to lose weight without putting your health at risk, there are many solutions at their fingertips, bariatric surgery has proven to be one of the safer and more efficient ways of losing weight. Don’t let desperation win him and trust us. We know what are the best options.

Affiliation Programs

The affiliate program is basically an agreement between you (affiliate) and a company, whereby you receive a percentage of profits in order to promote and market a product or service from the company that you’ve affiliated. One of the great advantages of affiliate programs is that it is an excellent opportunity for those wishing to start a business on the Internet, since it implies low costs and minimal risks. However, a very recurrent question that tend to be entrepreneurs who wish to start a business on the Internet is how do affiliate programs work? There are different types of affiliate program, the most common of them require the affiliate to place a banner, text link or an image or on your Web site through which redirects visitors to the Web site of the company that promotes. This link is comprised of a unique special code capable of identifying the affiliate, so that if the visitor performs a specific action, the affiliate will receive the corresponding Commission. Normally, the affiliate you receive as payment a percentage from the sale of the product that has been previously set, however, on some occasions, you may receive commissions simply by sending traffic to the website of the seller either you may receive a Commission for telling the visitor enter in the list of mail of the seller regardless that the sale takes place. There are also affiliate programs that are divided into different levels. In this type of programs, subscribers can not only generate revenue by own sales, but sales of its sub-affiliates. The benefits of the affiliate programs one of the biggest advantages of being part of an affiliate program resides in the possibility of being able to start an Internet business without need for a product or service. The only thing you have to do is promote the products of other companies, gaining important commissions for this effort.

Holidays in Vietnam

One of the most popular holiday destinations in Vietnam is the resort of Nha Trang. Nha Trang – seaside town, lined with beautiful white beaches and ridges of coral reefs – is another popular among divers place. Just 15 minutes by boat from the port of Nha Trang, and fans will dive rich underwater world of these places – many rare species of fish and over 400 species of different corals. Nha Trang is known as a bustling center of nightlife life with bars and discos for every taste, and in the daytime is very popular, both children and adults, enjoy the amusement park and attractions. The coastal city of Nha Trang ( Hoa province, Central Vietnam) located 1300 km from the city of Hanoi and 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Most conveniently reached by air from Ho Chi Minh Flights conducted twice a day, while on the road – little more than an hour. In Nha Trang all year round is good. Swaying in the wind coconut palms, white sandy beaches and emerald sea create a real paradise for holidaymakers.

Tour in Vietnam knowingly offer this resort. Nha Trang is the twenty-ninth place in the list of the most beautiful bays in the world. This decision was taken at a regular meeting of the Club's most beautiful bays in the world, which was held once again in Canada. This place is known in Indochina from the early twentieth century, as a beautiful seaside resort and research center.