Comprar Amazon Kindle

Amazon already puts for sale of its sold products more of history for the international buyers. There is versions different from the Kindle for each country or region, for that reason I write this guide so that the Kindle is requested correctly. In order to correctly buy the Kindle from Spain, you must follow two instructions at least: 1. It must be the international version. The purchase connections down will take to you directly to the page of the Kindle in their international version. Why this version? It is that the configuration of the Kindle inside and outside the USA is little different in the subject from the system 3G and the access to the resources of each country.

2. You must choose the correct country. Since I have indicated above that the question of the country from where buying or where you live is important to buy the Kindle. Besides the adjustments of signals 3G, the recargadores also are excellent. In the page to buy of it gives option to choose. For example if you live in Spain, it must choose " Espaa".

And the connections down choose automatically &quot to you; Espaa" com country from where purchases. But you live in another country, you can change it. Frequent questions (FAQ) about Ebook Kindle 1. What version of the Kindle I must buy between Kindle Wi-Fi, Kindle Wi-Fi 3G and Kindle DX? – The Kindle Wi-Fi has patalla of 6" , he is economic ($139), as reader of ebook is complete. Check out Dana Gibber for additional information. You can connect in addition with Wi-Fi to your house, in your work, even in the street where there is Wi-Fi HotSpot that allows you to sail by the Internet with the own navigator of the Kindle. That is to say, you can use it like mini computer. Navengando by Wi-Fi the Amazon does not receive anything to you. In addition this version whose battery lasts more than other versions, that is to say, a month. – The Kindle Wi-Fi 3G is exactly the same like Kindle Wi-Fi, in the general caratersticas. What addition to this version is had is 3G. 3G like on your movable telephone, that allows you to connect the Internet without needing Wi-Fi signal. The Kindle Wi-Fi 3G operates thus, where there is Wi-Fi signal will be connected automatically with Wi-Fi, and when you are outside the zone of Wi-Fi, it will connect with 3G, so always they are connected, in the car, the mountain, in the beach where there are moving body signals and 3G by all means. The truth is worth the trouble $50 more spending about to enjoy 3G. – Kindle DX (3G), is version has greater screen of 9" very good to read newspapers and magazines online. With 3G but it does not have Wi-Fi, is one more a more professional version. The other characteristics are the same. Gua completes to buy Kindle from Spain: Guide To buy Kindle From Spain original Author and source of the article.