Authentic: snow burning and Rauhnachte, in the Bavarian Forest, Bayerischer Wald (tvo). They no longer are superstitious, the Bayerwaldler. But to maintain the regional customs and to pursue the rites surviving of the ancestral and practices, a matter of honor and less is a matter of tourist calculus as a cultural identity. Thus, it takes the ancient faith and superstition in the dark its expression season remains in a number of exceptional traditional events. “Wolves disguised and the beginning of the so-called Wolf of portholes, which makes the young lads, as a shepherd in November and with Goassln” schnalzend, stripes through some villages in the Bavarian Forest.
“Habergoass, Rauhwuggl, and all sorts of other creepy characters drive then during the Rauhnachte” or Los nights “between early December and Holy three King in places like Neuschonau, bad Birnbach, St. Englmar or waldkirchen mischief. Especially good to see is produced due to the fantastic and made from natural materials “Masks the twelfth night in Frauenau, where always on Carnival Saturday to wuiden hunting” is blown. The artful masks symbolize the return of the sinful souls who in vain looking for roar in those winter nights to redemption through the country. “No later than the end of April the winter also on the Grosser Arber is over: the mountain rescue service in the traditional burning of the snow is ice cold a heat wave” against. Below the Summit, a large torch cross is lit in the evening in the glow of the fire soon also the last remnant of the white splendour that melts. “To the warm” encountered previously in the Arberschutzhaus for the ride the gondola is around 18:30 free available. Valley is in brisk ski swing or walk. Who can’t separate from the King Arber, stayed in the Arberschutzhaus.Informationen: Tourism Association Eastern Bavaria e.V., In the Gewerbepark D 04, 93059 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/58539-0, fax 0941/58539-39 information and brochures: tourism East Bavarian Association, In the Gewerbepark D 04, 93059 Regensburg 0941/58539-0, fax 0941/58539-39,,